[ { "uri": "http://purl.org/heritagedata/schemes/eh_period/concepts/EAS", "label": "Early Anglo-Saxon", "label lang": "en", "note": "The first part of the period which saw the arrival of Anglo-Saxon culture (circa 410 CE to 660 CE).", "note lang": "en" }, { "uri": "http://purl.org/heritagedata/schemes/eh_period/concepts/EC01", "label": "Early 1st Century", "label lang": "en", "note": "The first third of the 1st Centuryof the common era. (1 CE to 32 CE).", "note lang": "en" }, { "uri": "http://purl.org/heritagedata/schemes/eh_period/concepts/EC10", "label": "Early 10th Century", "label lang": "en", "note": "The first third of the 10th Century of the common era (901 CE to 932 CE).", "note lang": "en" } ]